Writing and Editing Services
Sloan Manor key personnel has a strong track record of publishing journalistic products covering beats that include government contracting, stability operations, unmanned aerial systems, international development, higher education, and human security with specialized experience in developing and transitional societies.
In addition to specialized subject matter proficiency that allows for the generation of original, timely, and value added content, Sloan Manor has successfully produced and edited a breadth of written products ranging from journalistic products to intelligence reports to complete book manuscripts. Our editing services range from substantive reworking and feedback provision to traditional copy editing depending upon the needs of the client.
Sloan Manor also offers Ghost Writing services and has productively collaborated with a variety of clients to generate improved final products. For individual clients seeking to break into the publishing field, we also offer publication assistance for appropriate projects.
In addition to specialized subject matter proficiency that allows for the generation of original, timely, and value added content, Sloan Manor has successfully produced and edited a breadth of written products ranging from journalistic products to intelligence reports to complete book manuscripts. Our editing services range from substantive reworking and feedback provision to traditional copy editing depending upon the needs of the client.
Sloan Manor also offers Ghost Writing services and has productively collaborated with a variety of clients to generate improved final products. For individual clients seeking to break into the publishing field, we also offer publication assistance for appropriate projects.