Services Offered
Past Performance
From 2021-2022 Sloan Manor supported the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)'s Security Sector Program (ISSP, at Development of a Regional Strategy To Prevent, Counter,
and Respond to Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) in the IGAD Region. Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) are weapon of choice for terrorist organizations worldwide, posing a threat to security forces, civilians, critical infrastructure and local systems of governance. Africa has suffered gravely from the scourge of IED use, with more than 1,315 incidents recorded across the continent between April 2020 and March 2021 alone. An article about our work is available via IGAD at the link IGAD Security Chiefs To Collaborate In Combating Improvised Explosive Devices. |
From 2020-2021 Sloan Manor was contracted to conduct field research for and author the C-IED capacity assessment for the Somali National Security Forces. The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) works to eliminate the threat posed by mines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices by coordinating United Nations mine action, leading operational responses at the country level, and supporting the development of standards, policies, and norms. In Somalia, decades of armed conflict have left behind a legacy of explosive hazards, including landmines, munitions and other types of explosive remnants of war (ERW). Such hazards pose a great risk to local populations, with a detrimental impact on peacebuilding and state-building activities. In addition, the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), which are the weapon of choice of armed groups, contribute to further insecurity of the prevailing conflict.
Core Competencies
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